Zabriskie Point

Destinations California Death Valley NP Zabriskie Point Zabriskie Point Zabriskie Point is a part of Amargosa Range located east of Death Valley noted for its erosional landscape. It is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago—long before Death Valley came into existence. The...

Mesquite Flat Dunes

Destinations California Death Valley NP Mesquite Flat Dunes Mesquite Flat Dunes There are two major sand dune systems in the Death Valley National Park. First, Mesquite Flat Dunes, which have very easy access, and are well known and frequently visited. Second, the more secluded and much less visited Eureka Sand...

Eureka Sand Dunes

Destinations California Death Valley NP Eureka Sand Dunes Eureka Sand Dunes There are two major sand dune systems in the Death Valley National Park. First, Stovepipe Well Sand Dunes, which have very easy access, and are well known and frequently visited. Second, the more secluded and much less visited Eureka...

Dante Peak

Destinations California Death Valley NP Dante Peak Dante Peak is a lofty vantage point at 5,465 feet from where you can see most of Death Valley. Below is Badwater, a pool of water set in barren salt flats. Across the valley are the Panamint Mountains and on a clear day...

Charcoal Kilns

Destinations California Death Valley NP Charcoal Kilns Charcoal Kilns The charcoal kilns in Wildrose Canyon is probably the most remarkable historical-architectural feature of Death Valley National Park. The kilns were completed in 1877 to provide a source of fuel suitable for use at lead-silver mines located in the Argus Range...


Destinations California Death Valley NP Badwater At 282 feet below sea level, this low spot in Death Valley really has only a small, shallow pond of extremely salty water - hence its name Badwater! The entire salt flat is nothing but a dried up ancient lake which did not have...